
Now all of us start with some item of clothing, we all have something that particularly turns us on and most commonly it is shoes or lingerie of some type. I have, however, met one person who started with bobby pins and another with lipstick. The point is, however, that the tranvestite at this stage starts with something and over time gradually adds the rest of the costume. At that point there are two possible routes to travel. If he begins to feel that one of the principle functions and abilities of women is to be able to have erotic experi- ences with males, and deciding that the person he sees in the mirror all dressed up in feminine finery must therefore BE a woman, he may decide to explore this aspect of what he considers womanhood and have some sort of sexual experience with a male. If this goes on after one or two experiences the individual is off and running on the path of the homosexual drag queen cross dresser. Of course, such people can start at the other end too. That is a boy or young man may already be well into his gay life when as a "camp" at a gay party or at the behest of his (usually older and more experienced) boy friend, gets all dressed up as a girl. This may serve to take a lot of the guilt out of the sexual association on the grounds that the two are a man and woman making love and as that is socially acceptable there is no need to feel uncomfortable about it. In either case the point is that associating cross dressing with sex experiences with another male (whether he knows the true sex of his "girl" partner or not is im- material) in the homosexual lifestyle.

The second route that can open up to the full cross dresser is to make the discovery that there is something more to this dressing thing than just masturbatory sex. This discovery is usually made when the individual for some reason decided to leave the clothes on AFTER the orgasmic release has taken place. Prior to climax the pleasure and excitement are entirely erotic, but when that has been released and reduced by orgasm eroticism is at a low ebb. If, however, the clothes are left on for a half hour or more the individual may find that, "Gee, it's kind of fun being a 'girl"." That is he begins to make acquain- tance with his 'girl within.' Since this too is a pleasure it will tend to be repeated on subsequent occasions until the individual finds that sex or no sex dressing has a lot of reward and satisfaction connected with it. It is this transition that changes the person from a transves- tite-one who cross dresses-a TV for short to an FP-a femmiphile ---one who is a lover of the feminine.